The frequencies of planets webs are many more than stars webs, it is not trillions, it is millions frequencies more and they are born by the planets webs individually of each and every planets. Planet earth is no different; it is able to evolve to have life form habitants. It is indicated a highly evolved planet.
There are layers of frequencies from the core of the earth to the surface. There are sections of frequencies of the layers of the core of the same layer up to the surface of earth. These sections are the reasons for the creations of the storms, lightning and temperatures of the surface of the earth. The freezing temperature of the north and south, they are caused by the less intensive-activities of the combination and expelling of the aecs and those involving the space webs.
The heat, it is created by breaking up any molecules rather than breaking any atoms. The heat is not measured by frequencies. It is measured by the activities of the combination and expelling of the aecs. It is breaking the molecules and re-composing new molecules. The more the intensive of such activities, the more heat is generated,
Overheating and lower temperature, they are non-life form inhabitants friendly and it could be the life threatening. It is to say, there is a norm of temperature among all life form from all planets. Overheating is definitely life threatening, it is due to the fact, they are breaking up. Freezing temperature, it is only involving less intensive-activities of the breaking the molecules and re-composing new molecules, the life form surviving at slower pace.
The above surface of the earth is filled with aecs of gases property. Water molecules are everywhere covered up the surface of the earth and above the surface in normal combination with all gases, they are named as clouds.
Water (H2O Hydrogen and oxygen), at certain temperature, they are ice; water in liquid form and in gas as cloud. The changes of the water, it is the frequencies; it is not the heat does the changes. It is to say, it is the working of frequencies in conjunction with the star web and earth web.
The stars webs hold all their planets in place, the planets webs hold all aecs in place at their layers of the planets. The surface of the earth, those molecules are at their positions by the forces of the earth webs and their frequencies. The movements of those molecules, it is the forces of expansion by ways of new combined molecules with hollows filled with either free electrons or smaller size atoms that cause expansions and create movements.
Electricity is created when electrons moves, electricity has many basic frequencies which depend on the carriers of electricity. The normal electricity frequencies of say 50 or 60 circles, these are manmade frequencies and they carry certain functions but not the functions of the basic frequencies.
There are free electrons flows and guided electrons flows. The guided electrons flow, it is the guided loop, it is propelling from the generator and follows the loop back o the generator. The starting point, it is positive and back to the generator, it is the negative point. It serves as a pump but with a close circuit or a loop.
The electrons flow is a one way flow, they are unable to exit from the loop, it is due to the alien frequencies surrounded the passages of the flow. It is to say, the material frequencies activated electrons flow by any means of power source. The flowing electrons frequencies is entirely different from the walls surrounded the passage.
Next: Harvesting Energy V
There are layers of frequencies from the core of the earth to the surface. There are sections of frequencies of the layers of the core of the same layer up to the surface of earth. These sections are the reasons for the creations of the storms, lightning and temperatures of the surface of the earth. The freezing temperature of the north and south, they are caused by the less intensive-activities of the combination and expelling of the aecs and those involving the space webs.
The heat, it is created by breaking up any molecules rather than breaking any atoms. The heat is not measured by frequencies. It is measured by the activities of the combination and expelling of the aecs. It is breaking the molecules and re-composing new molecules. The more the intensive of such activities, the more heat is generated,
Overheating and lower temperature, they are non-life form inhabitants friendly and it could be the life threatening. It is to say, there is a norm of temperature among all life form from all planets. Overheating is definitely life threatening, it is due to the fact, they are breaking up. Freezing temperature, it is only involving less intensive-activities of the breaking the molecules and re-composing new molecules, the life form surviving at slower pace.
The above surface of the earth is filled with aecs of gases property. Water molecules are everywhere covered up the surface of the earth and above the surface in normal combination with all gases, they are named as clouds.
Water (H2O Hydrogen and oxygen), at certain temperature, they are ice; water in liquid form and in gas as cloud. The changes of the water, it is the frequencies; it is not the heat does the changes. It is to say, it is the working of frequencies in conjunction with the star web and earth web.
The stars webs hold all their planets in place, the planets webs hold all aecs in place at their layers of the planets. The surface of the earth, those molecules are at their positions by the forces of the earth webs and their frequencies. The movements of those molecules, it is the forces of expansion by ways of new combined molecules with hollows filled with either free electrons or smaller size atoms that cause expansions and create movements.
Electricity is created when electrons moves, electricity has many basic frequencies which depend on the carriers of electricity. The normal electricity frequencies of say 50 or 60 circles, these are manmade frequencies and they carry certain functions but not the functions of the basic frequencies.
There are free electrons flows and guided electrons flows. The guided electrons flow, it is the guided loop, it is propelling from the generator and follows the loop back o the generator. The starting point, it is positive and back to the generator, it is the negative point. It serves as a pump but with a close circuit or a loop.
The electrons flow is a one way flow, they are unable to exit from the loop, it is due to the alien frequencies surrounded the passages of the flow. It is to say, the material frequencies activated electrons flow by any means of power source. The flowing electrons frequencies is entirely different from the walls surrounded the passage.
Next: Harvesting Energy V
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