The Space, within the space, there are universes, within the universe, there are stars systems, we are in the solar system and there are many more within other universes. It is very vast and endless boundary, there are having one issue in common. It is the basic particle and the forces, basic and re-generating. One more in common, it is the frequencies. These star systems they are inter-connected by one or more common frequencies.
The single parent, too many kids’ families and any others under such a nature of lack of financial woes, the officer in charge will arrange financial assistance. This group shall be passed over to social and family department under the crime prevention unit’s direct control. Their financial assistance will has to be met at priority; fund will have to be available even up to the extent of increase taxation.
Next Topic: Life of Future World
The universe we are in, it is moving forward according to a time. The frequency moving forward, it is only moving one frequency at a time. It is these common frequencies moving all different atoms of the universes in the space forward. The nature of such a movement, the 1st common frequency of all different atoms moved and the different frequency of the atom moved as well and also moved at a time after the 1st common frequency moved. The 2nd common frequency of the 1st different frequency moved forward at a time in sequent.
It is seen from such an orderly moving forward, there are many phenomenons could be explained. It is in a way, most of the masses of particles, they are inter-connected. Human, animals and all living things, plants, rocks and all things, they are inter-connected by way of common frequencies and moving forward at a time with one frequency after another. These common frequencies and moving forward at a time with one frequency after another, they are specific signature code for each and every object of our million universes.
An atom combines another same atom; it needs not to have chemical reaction. It is the two same atoms are having the identical frequencies and they combined to each other perfectly at room temperature or at any temperature, they will need chemical reaction under other circumstances and common frequencies are the effect of such a chemical reaction. Each atom has many different set of frequencies. Two different atoms, they will combine to each other so long they have one or more identical frequencies, the more identical frequencies, the stronger and easier for them to bind each other.
Identical frequencies of two atoms, it ether attracts each other and combine themselves into one or expel each other to remain two separate atoms even all the frequencies are the same. It is the direction of the electrons move round the nucleus; it is whether they are clockwise or anti-clockwise. It is another aspect of the atoms; two atoms of un-identical frequencies are expelling each other as well.
The combing and expelling, it creates a situation that a compound element is formed. It is an element of more than two different atoms. It is also creates more un-identical and less identical frequencies as these identical frequencies needed to bind the new element together. It further creates from elements to form living cells. The living cell has another property. They have hollows or passages and rooms or stores between them to allow atoms to pass through or combine with them and became a temporary or permanent resident. It is because of these properties; the brain cells are able to store images and became memories.
The Policing, There may be many names for the police divisions, FBI, CIA or whatever, the nature of the divisions; it may be political, national security, crime busters, and others. The feature and operation of one division, it is not much different from one and the others. Catching a crime on the act, it is a piece of cake, should all technicalities are solved and all new devices are in place.
Crime preventions are more important and worth to spend some efforts. Crime preventions units be established and be one of the police divisions with its own chief. It should be empowered and only answerable to the parliament. A good and powerful name be given and it should be more powerful than FBI, CIA, Secret Services and/or otherwise.
There is main office with branches through the nations. Other police division needs to co-operate with them, it is not the other police division to have their co-operation. It is not only the other police divisions along, all government enforcement units needed to give their co-operation to them. The successful of crime preventions, it translates into no more jailing problems thus saving national revenue and be directed for better use for the people. It is more, less expenditures on legal aspects as less courts times or needs no courts at all, less or no more destructions on private and public properties and many more.
The supercomputer will channel the intentions to the main offices from any crime-would-be. She will pick up the intentions the moment any brain activity just having a benign of crime-would be , no time to loose, she will alert the crime prevention main office, there after the crime-would be will be connected by the common frequencies direct from the brain frequencies through econnect to the main office maneuver computer terminals.
The officer in charge will start to investigate the background of the crime-would be. The investigations will be just only a few minutes as the supercomputer has all the biodata.
Crime-would be has no intention of getting a job or getting income other than legal means, the lazy guys, drug addicts and any other psychological reasons, these batch of crime-would be shall be hauled to psychological help centers for re-habitation.
Other categories, the killers of any and whatsoever nature, this group are more severe and they should be under psychiatric centre for good until they are certified good for society life.
The jobless, the handicap, the old age needs to support family, long term illness sufferers and any other same nature. The officer in charge has the power to bypass all government departments and government link companies (GLC), jobs shall be secured for those who are qualified and all heads of government departments and (GLC) has no say but to accept them as their employees.
Jobs still not enough, the officer in charge will request private sector for assistance, he does not has the authority to insist the intake of employment but he could maneuver and influence by other ways. The un-cooperative private sector may find it difficult to get future all government departments and GLC assistance as they are being black listed of their un-cooperative altitude.
Next Topic: Life of Future World
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