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Monday, November 21, 2011

Psychic Loop I

361259_Cyborg R.A.T. Gaming Mice - for unsurpassed Gaming.  Shop Now!The io, this section of the brain, practically it is the controller. In order for the io to get started to operating mode, there is a need of the five senses plus one and other internal organs to activate them.

Each atom has many frequencies and one of them may be the prevailing dpf of the universe, the earth or the test tube.  The next prevailing dpf and thereafter all the following dpfs are from the same atom frequencies without jumping to another atom of its frequencies. This is the prevailing dpf axis, or the atom dpf axis. When a jump is occurred, it breaks the atom dpf axis and it either forms random dpf axis or orderly dpf axis.

 A loop is formed when the atom dpf axis completes all its frequencies and thereafter going back to the starting frequencies. It is singular atom dpf loop. The orderly dpf axis consists of many atoms dpf axis and there are back to the starting atoms dpf axis. It is orderly dpf loop. The random dpf axis, there are hardly any loop but there are such loop existing. The random dpf loop occurs when there is a loop and never forms and repeats the same loop a second time.

The random dpf loop, it is the starting loop from atom A to B to C to D and E then back to atom A.  The second loop starts from Atom A again and follow by B, C, D, E, and then F then back to A.  Subsequently it is A, B, C, D, and indefinitely of other atom and never complete a loop a second time.

These loops are affecting everything in our universe or those universes that we have yet to discover. It affects the traveling of meteors, the working of solar systems and other star systems.  Everything in the solar systems, the so called the sun black spot, the solar flare, the routinely circling of the moon to the earth and together circling to the sun.  The magnetism, the behavior of the lights, the cohesion of all particles to form planetary systems, these are the working of the dpf, dpf axis and the dpf loops, orderly or randomly, especially the orderly loops.

The cell are formed from huge volume of aec .  No matter how huge, there are orderly organized formed cell, there are possibly more than one dpf axis and dpf loops orderly or randomly.  Our human or any life form body has body dpf loops as well; the loops are formed from a number of different cells or organs.

396809_Free Shipping - 2There are many single atom dpf axes in a single cell and there are a number orderly dpf loops.  The lifeline orderly dpf loop, the repair and maintenance orderly dpf loops, the receiving and executing orderly dpf loops, the instructing orderly dpf loop, the production and re-production orderly dpf loops, the deformed orderly dpf loops and many others. Randomly dpf loops are hardly occurred however once there are there, it is usually life threatening or life saving.

An atom by itself, it is an axis and an orderly dpf loop, the loop is nonstop at a pretty fast speed, it could be less than a nanosecond for a loop. A cell has membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus; each of the components of the cell has a great number of different atoms and a great number of orderly dpf loops.  These orderly dpf loop, there are the lifeline loops. These loops are active and operating under the basic force which is the power source of the basic frequencies. (refer earlier posts)

The cell membrane has hollow and passages and beside the lifeline axis which forms the lifeline orderly dpf loops, there is another axis, the filtering axis and filtering orderly dpf loops.  This loop is within the lifeline orderly dpf loops, it is the single atom or a number of different atoms have many frequencies which in turn form a number of different axis and loops.  There may have a number of filtering orderly dpf loops which to filer more than one aecs.  There is a randomly dpf loop when the cell membrane encounters foreign aec and accepts it.  It is so accepted due to one of the foreign aec frequencies is identical to the cell membrane. It is also possible the environmental changes that changed the frequencies of the cell membrane and accepts foreign aec.

The randomly dpf loop changes the hollows and passages of cell membrane; it also changes the frequencies of the cell membrane.  It is this way the cell membrane filtering failed its protection and allows unwanted aec to enter the life form body.

The life form body loops, there are many loops, orderly or randomly.  There are generally the physical loops and psychiatric loops.  The physical loops are lifeline loops, muscle movements loops, heart pumping loops, hunger loop, thirsty loop, urinating urge loops, sleepy loop, and others. They can be termed as organ loop or in computer configuration, the hardware loops. The psychiatric loops or rather in simple computer terms, the programs or the software loops, there are determination loop, dislike loop, sex urge loop, and crime commit loop.

The loops, there are the main loop or sub loops. The sub loops could be branched out to a number of sub loops and it is quite often branched out as many as more than ten to hundreds and then back to the main loop.  The main and sub loops existed both in the physical loops and psychiatric loops.

(Notes: Please refer earlier posts for io, aec, dpf, prevailing dpf and others if necessary.)

Next: Psychic Loop II

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